Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Questionnaire Results

We compiled all of our results from our questionnaire and put them into graph form so it was easy to distinguish which answer was more popular and therefore relevant to our film.

 We used this graph to back up and comprehensively decided that the correct audience to target would be 16-25. This also gives us insight into what other 16-25 think about certain film genre, music, scariest moments and scariest killer etc which will ultimately aid us in making our film more enjoyable for them by including as many aspects of their favourite films with our own spin onto them.

The most popular film genre among our questionnaire takers is horror which is good news for us as we have planned to make a horror film which should mean that we have a large audience base. Our second choice of film the horror/comedy was the second most favourite genre which is also good news becasue if we decided to do genre then again we would have a large audience base.

This pie charts show that the respondents of the questionnaire were mainly male and between the ages of 16-25. This group being the main respondents and there favourite genre being horror making our target audience MALE of AGES 16-25. 

Cloverfield was the most popular horror film and a close second was 28 days later which has alot of simple yet effective scenes which we have chosen to try and incorparate into our film e.g the chase scene across the field. Also close to the most popular was 30 days of night which is also one of the films we have researched into and decided to use aspects of that film e.g the darkeness of the entire film and using people that you have to look hard to spot.  

Infected killers are the scraiest type which also supports our film idea as our group had already been planning to use infected as our main killers in the film. Also because it is the most popular choice of killer than it should go down well with our target audience as they will enjoy seeing them in the film and also how we portay them.

Rock is the most popular music genre for a horror film which shows that we will have to start doing some research and start to pick from the large choice of rock songs to fit our film and make the trailer exciting and unique so that people want to go and see the film.

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