Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Questionnaire Results

We compiled all of our results from our questionnaire and put them into graph form so it was easy to distinguish which answer was more popular and therefore relevant to our film.

 We used this graph to back up and comprehensively decided that the correct audience to target would be 16-25. This also gives us insight into what other 16-25 think about certain film genre, music, scariest moments and scariest killer etc which will ultimately aid us in making our film more enjoyable for them by including as many aspects of their favourite films with our own spin onto them.

The most popular film genre among our questionnaire takers is horror which is good news for us as we have planned to make a horror film which should mean that we have a large audience base. Our second choice of film the horror/comedy was the second most favourite genre which is also good news becasue if we decided to do genre then again we would have a large audience base.

This pie charts show that the respondents of the questionnaire were mainly male and between the ages of 16-25. This group being the main respondents and there favourite genre being horror making our target audience MALE of AGES 16-25. 

Cloverfield was the most popular horror film and a close second was 28 days later which has alot of simple yet effective scenes which we have chosen to try and incorparate into our film e.g the chase scene across the field. Also close to the most popular was 30 days of night which is also one of the films we have researched into and decided to use aspects of that film e.g the darkeness of the entire film and using people that you have to look hard to spot.  

Infected killers are the scraiest type which also supports our film idea as our group had already been planning to use infected as our main killers in the film. Also because it is the most popular choice of killer than it should go down well with our target audience as they will enjoy seeing them in the film and also how we portay them.

Rock is the most popular music genre for a horror film which shows that we will have to start doing some research and start to pick from the large choice of rock songs to fit our film and make the trailer exciting and unique so that people want to go and see the film.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010


We have made a questionnaire as part of our primary research for our film through over peoples thoughts to determine target audience, film genre, music selcetion and scariest killer.

  1. How old are you?        
15 and under [  ]
16-25 [  ]
26 and over [  ]

  1. What is your favourite film genre?
Horror [  ]
Comedy [  ]
Action [  ]
Thriller [  ]
Horror-comedy [  ]
Other?                      ……………………

  1. Gender?
Male [  ]
Female [  ]

  1. What stands out most for you in a trailer?

  1. What is your favourite horror?
28 days later [  ]
30 days of night [  ]
Cloverfield [  ]
Crazies [  ]
Hills have eyes [  ]
Other?                      ……………………

  1. What is the scariest scene?

  1. What do you think is the scariest type of character in a horror?
Zombie [  ]
Mutant [  ]
Infected [  ]
Vampire [  ]
Human [  ]
Alien [  ]
Other?                      ……………………

  1. What music do you think best suits a horror?
Rock [  ]
Punk [  ]
Indie [  ]
Metal [  ]
Hip Hop [  ]
Drum and bass [  ]
Other?                      ……………………

Chosen Target Audience

Overall I feel we will target the 15-25 age range with our film because they will have characters to relate to in the film so they understand and can identify some of the characters backgrounds/situations. Also 15-25 are the prime age which go to the cinema most out of all the age groups because it gives them a way of socialising therefore our film plan would so far be a good watch with a bunch of friends as the planned characters in the film resemble a typical group of friends which means it will have the typical type of characters e.g loud, funny, quiet etc all of the audience will be able to relate to one of the characters and therefore get more attached to the film so they can eventually finds out what happens to the characters. The 15-25 will want more action in the film and scenes that will make them jump so that they can feel part of the film and like they are in the action. Also for the male viewers they might want to see a girl in the film maybe a group as well which we might include in our film for extra incentive also a lot of action and violence will be need as we feel this will mostly be watched by males so the more incentive they have to come and see the film the better.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Target audiences?

We have to decide which target audiences to aim our horror film trailer at either the 15 and under range or the 15-25s range or 26+.

15 and under
While these groups may seem very similar and there isn’t much between the age groups there are distinct differences between the groups. The 15 and under are a much younger group which means that the films action and horror will have to be less violent to keep in with the age limit on films because if the film is too violent then the 15 and under’s cant watch our film therefore we will lose viewer and the under 15s might be to young to understand parts of our film or be able to relate to any of the characters and therefore have no interest in the characters background.

I believe this would be our strongest target audience as it falls in our age category and will therefore be in the same mind frame and be aware of the same things and ideas in a sense. This group will also have a high cinema attendance percentage due to own supply of transport and work, bringing in income and funds to see the movies. Also with this age group it’s easier to scare them than adults as they would have seen fewer movies and will be more vulnerable, also an outing at the cinema is what age group between this range would be doing rather regularly. This age group also have a lot of age’s in-between which would watch the type of movie we will try to create.

This would also be a strong age group to target as they attend the cinema a lot and can always watch 18 rated movies, so there is no limit in the goriness or scariness of the movie which would be a plus, instead of having to worry about disturbing scenes which would affect younger teenagers. This target audience could have a flaw though which could be that it would be harder to create a film which interests this older age group, certainly if people younger than them are going to be starring in it, it would make more sense to have the actors starring in it around the same age as the target audience.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Horror or horror/comedy?

We have to choose between the genres horror or horror/comedy and to help our decision on what genre to use for the film we used all the trailers we watched and incorporated them with some of our film ideas to try and make the decision. By watching various horror/comedy's such as Shaun of the dead and zombieland, these trailers allowed us to see how other filmmakers have got their ideas for horror/comedy's across in the trailer which  is quite a hard technique it seems as a horror film is unusually made funny so it can be a failure if the comedy isn't made to seem orginal. We also watched horror trailerssuch as Dawn of the dead, the crazies, land of the dead, 28 weeks later and others which allowed us to see different techniques in making horror trailers. By watching both lots of trailers it allowed us to see that by making a horror/comedy we are taking a big risk with the film because if the comedy and the horror in the film dont have the right mixture then the film wont work so it will be hard to find the perfect mixture so we decided to go with the horror genre because it is a much less rick project and we could also concentrate more on the way we show the horror aspects of the film e.g camera angles etc and the storyline instead of concentrating on the mixture between horror and comedy.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Film Research

We looked at both horror/comedy and horror trailers/films to see what camera angles,effects etc we could implement in our film and help us choose which genre of film to use.

Cloverfield -
We looked at cloverfield trailer and liked the free hand camera effect which would make our film more action packed and also gets the audience more involved.

Quarantine -
The quarantine trailer used the REC sign in the top left hand corner which gives the effect of the film seeming like it actually took place which we could use also the opening describing words in the trailer which tells the background story of the film without showing it.

28 Days later -
At the end of the trailer a zombie smashes a window with his hand to get to the people which we thought was a nice ation piece as it easy to do and it shows the zombies aggression.

28 Weeks later -
In the trailer there is a clip where the zombies chase a man across a field which uses some unusual camera angles and movement to show the chase which we are thinking of using.

Zombieland -
In this trailer there is a zombie who rugby tackles a person which we thought was a good way to show the infected without actually showing there faces and giving away the story behind them as most people will think there just zombies.

30 Days of Night -
The trailer uses one of the zombies faces in a shot with the other characters but you cant see the zombies face without looking very closely at the trailer or watching it over and over again which we thought was a nice effect.

I am legend -
Will smith is in a pitch black room and uses his light to quickly show him what the surroundings are but he accidently lights up the infected which we liked becoase it doesnt show all of the infected but it gives a glimpse into what they look like and how they are going to react.

Shaun of the Dead -
In the trailer the film uses the news to tell the story about the outbreak of infection. We liked this idea because it gives the film authenticity and also can be adapted into something easier to make like a radio or a phone call.

Monday, 6 September 2010

1st Lesson

My group consists of Tom Homewood,Grant Coull and Patch collins. We had to choose between our two favourite briefs which where the teaser trailer film with a magazine cover and a film poster or a 5 minute short film with a poster for the film and a magazine cover. With the teaser trailer we felt that it would be easier to do as there isnt much story to be shown in the film its more about showing clips and edits from the film to demonstrate the action involved in the film. With the short film we would have to make up a story and show the characters, action etc in only 5 minutes which is a difficult task.
 We chose to do a film trailer with a film poster and a dvd cover. We originally thought to make the film a horror/comedy or just horror. This decision has become a difficult one as they both have positive aspects and our group have alot of ideas for both film options so its a choice of which trailer our viewers would like to see more the horror/comedy or the horror.
This is a table for what each person brings to the group:

Attributes To Group
Patch collins
Patch is a good actor which means he will be the main focus of the film. He is also very good on the editing software.
Tom Homewood
Very good on the computer and understands complicated computer programmes and will be handy in the production of the poster to make it realistic on limited software. He is also good at art which helps with the storyboard.
Grant Coull
Grant took up the production of the magazine cover as he is into magazines and has gained a lot of ideas and information through that.