Scene 1 Shot 1
Scene description: EXT. STREET . DAY
Scene direction: TOM driving down the road towards the HIKER
Character name: TOM, HIKER
Dialogue: Music playing quietly in the background from the radio.
Scene 1 Shot 2
Scene description: EXT. STREET . DAY
Scene direction: TOM driving down the road past the HIKER
Dialogue: “We interrupt this broadcast for a special news bulletin. There has been a viral outbreak within Vicinity 21 known as *AREA*. There have been multiple sightings of the infected. We are urging you to stay inside and refrain from any physical contact with them. They are highly dangerous and contagious.”
This report continues over scenes 2 -
Scene 1 Shot 3
Scene description: EXT. STREET . DAY
Scene direction: TOM looks in the rear view mirror and the HIKER is not there.
Character name: TOM, HIKER
Dialogue: Radio report continues
Scene 2 Shot 5
Scene description: EXT. CAMP. DAY
Scene direction: All main characters are setting up the campsite.
Dialogue: Radio report continues
Scene 3 Shot 7
Scene description: EXT. CAMP. DAY
Scene direction: Showing all main characters having fun around the campsite.
Dialogue: Music playing with talking from characters
Scene 3 Shot 9
Scene description: EXT. CAMP. DAY
Scene direction: Showing the no signal on their phone. Worried expression
Character name: LEWIS
Dialogue: Music playing with talking from characters
Scene 4 Shot 11
Scene description: EXT. CAMP. NIGHT
Scene direction: Patch walking into the forest
Character name: PATCH
Dialogue: Music playing in the background
Scene 4 Shot 12
Scene description: EXT. FOREST . NIGHT
Scene direction: Patch walking around in the forest with a mysterious figure lurking behind him
Character name: PATCH, INFECTED
Dialogue: Music playing in the background
Scene 5 Shot 13
Scene description: EXT. FOREST . NIGHT
Scene direction: Mysterious figure attacks Patch. Scared reaction
Character name: PATCH, INFECTED
Dialogue: Music playing in the background
Scene 5 Shot 14
Scene description: EXT. CAMP. NIGHT
Scene direction: Group look at each other thinking about what has happened to Patch hearing his cries of agony
Character name: TOM, GRANT
Dialogue: Screaming from Patch
Scene 6 Shot 16
Scene description: EXT. CAMP. NIGHT
Scene direction: Group discussing what to do now
Dialogue: “Where’s Patch?” “Not sure, I thought he was with you?!” “Nah don’t worry he’s just taking the piss”
Scene 6 Shot 17
Scene description: EXT. FOREST . NIGHT
Scene direction: Infected sprinting past the camera
Character name: INFECTED
Dialogue: Music kicks off
Scene 6 Shot 18
Scene description: EXT. HILL. NIGHT
Scene direction: Infected sprinting down the hill chasing OSCAR
Character name: OSCAR, INFECTED
Dialogue: Music still going with the screams from the infected
Scene 7 Shot 19
Scene description: EXT. FOREST . NIGHT
Scene direction: Quick shot of Jamie with blood on his face, panting
Character name: JAMIE
Dialogue: Music still going
Scene 7 Shot 20
Scene description: EXT. FOREST . NIGHT
Scene direction: Infected running with an unsteady camera
Character name: INFECTED
Dialogue: Music still going with the noise of the infected screaming
Scene 7 Shot 21
Scene description: EXT. FOREST . NIGHT
Scene direction: Jamie trying to save Tom from the infected while he is being dragged away
Character name: JAMIE, TOM
Dialogue: Music still going with them shouting to save Tom
Scene 8 Shot 22
Scene description: INT. CAR. NIGHT
Scene direction: Grant waiting in the car when a bloody hand bangs on the window
Character name: GRANT
Dialogue: Music still going, hand bangs against the window.
Scene 8 Shot 23
Scene description: EXT. FOREST . NIGHT
Scene direction: Hand comes out of bushes and grabs Oscar round the face
Character name: OSCAR
Dialogue: Music still going
Scene 8 Shot 24
Scene description: EXT. FOREST . NIGHT
Scene direction: Pitchfork scraping against the ground
Character name: OSCAR
Dialogue: Music still going, scraping noise from pitchfork
Scene 9 Shot 27
Scene description: INT. HOUSE. NIGHT
Scene direction: Toms eye peeking through the keyhole
Character name: TOM
Dialogue: Music calming down to an end
This is our script to the film which allows us to know what can be heard and seen from the film. It also allows the characters to get the appropriate reactions for the shot.
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